Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
Our Family wishes everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you have a great day with your family eating lots of yummy food!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
A Little Funny
I thought I would share a little funny with you all...........

Sara Ava came to me on Sunday and said "Mom, did you know there is no Santa Claus .... there is just a rich lady who goes around and buys and gives everyone presents." I replied, " No, I have never heard that in my whole life , so does that mean you don't want to go see Santa at the mall in a few weeks to give him your Christmas List." She said, "YES! I want too." (Guess she just wants to cover all her basis.) I asked," Where did you hear that mess at anyway?" She said, " A girl in my class told me." These are 5 years olds mind you! LOL!!!!!!
The boys were just appalled that she had said that!!!!

Sara Ava came to me on Sunday and said "Mom, did you know there is no Santa Claus .... there is just a rich lady who goes around and buys and gives everyone presents." I replied, " No, I have never heard that in my whole life , so does that mean you don't want to go see Santa at the mall in a few weeks to give him your Christmas List." She said, "YES! I want too." (Guess she just wants to cover all her basis.) I asked," Where did you hear that mess at anyway?" She said, " A girl in my class told me." These are 5 years olds mind you! LOL!!!!!!
The boys were just appalled that she had said that!!!!
So Rich Lady if you are out there ..... Here is my Christmas List!!! I want a stocking FULLLL of Starbucks gift cards!!! Heaven knows I NEED them to get through these next several weeks!!!! Ha!!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Christmas Tutu

I have enough material to make one more red, white , and green tutu. I made 3 of these and they are PRECIOUS!!!!!! I also have my new Hot Pink and Purple Hats in!! Check them out at http://cutiepatutu.blogspot.com/
I know I am boring you all with these posts but this is the only way my kids are getting Christmas this year! ;0)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
4 New Posts

Stop By Cutie Patutuz and check out all my new posts. I have been working on a lot of new hat sets, they are ready to ship! I also have new headbands sets and 2 new headband colors. You will
also want to see a few pictures that I posted of some Cutie Patutuz in their Halloween tutu's!
These Hat sets will make great Christmas presents and the Headbands will be the perfect touch to finish off that Christmas outfit! There is less then 6 weeks until Christmas! I just made your shopping a little easier for you so that you can stay at home in your PJ's to shop! ;0)
If you are interested in anything please e-mail me at karlton5@juno.com
Thursday, November 12, 2009
An Answer To Many Prayers!
Karlton finished his training yesterday at the Nuclear Plant , he passed all tests and he was hired on today until the beginning of the New Year. He is working a shut down, so it is contract work. He will be working nights starting Sat. .....12 hr a day, 6 days a week. That is 72 hrs a week! He got paid for his first week of training today!! That is our first paycheck in months!!!! It is a good thing too because unemployment was running out! The next several weeks are going to be hard for Karlton (on everyone) , but PTL there is work!!!!! Keep us all in your prayers and pray the Lord will have work lined up for Karlton's business after the New Year too!!!
Jordan and Sara Ava are all better now from the Swine Flu and they are back to school! Praise GOD!
Jordan and Sara Ava are all better now from the Swine Flu and they are back to school! Praise GOD!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
First I am going to start off with the Ugly.........
The piggy flu has made it into the Shrum household. On Tue. Jordan called me from school asking me to come and get him. I did not even recognize my own child on the phone at first, because he was so sick! He was running a fever and had a very bad cough and stayed in his bed until Fri. when I finally took him to the Dr. I knew he had the flu but I thought it was were he had gotten his shot the week before. After he had gotten his shot his lymphoid had swollen up under his arm and his arm hurt him for a few days. They said he only had the Flu ......Jordan is on a Z pack for his reaaly bad cough.
Then Friday I sent Sara Ava to school with a cough. I had given her some med. because her cough sounded like a drainage cough. She came home from school coughing and went to take a nap. When she woke up from her nap she was red and was shaking, I knew she had a fever! When I took her temp. she had a 105.2 fever. I gave her some Tylenol and put her in a luke warm bath, with a Vanilla Frosty ( at her request). We got then fever down 3 degree's with in the first hour. But it went up and down all night long. It spiked back to the 105.2, but then broke. I took her to the Dr. yesterday and they said she has the Swine Flu. We started the Tami Flu yesterday and it is working wonders on top of the Triaminic Flu. So now I know Jordan had the Swine Flu too. Sara Ava's fever was gone this morning PTL... She is up and walking around the house today. No keeping her in the bed for 4 days like Jordan did.
I am just praying that the rest of us stay safe and healthy but you know how large families work. You don't always get what you want!
Now for the GOOD...................
Joel came home with straight A's on his first report card this yr. ( I can't remember if I have written about that or not. ) He was the only child this go around to get straight A's. Lilee and I also went to see him get Terrific Kid for the month of Oct. week before last. Sara Ava was Terrific Kid out of her Class for Sept. and now Joel was it out of his class for Oct. I have 2 Terrific Kids!!!!!!!!!!! Sara Ava also was the Star Student out of her class week before last! Ya Sara Ava!
Lilee is completely potty trained again.....after she had it licked for 3 weeks and then fell of the wagon for about a week. It has been 4 weeks now since any messes! Ya! I love not having to buy pull ups!
Jordan just finished his yr. in Cross Country. He had his name in the paper for beating his own personal records! He started out the season running the 3.1 mile races at 28 min. 56 sec. and finished up in the 24.26 min. Wish I could improve my time on my running. It takes me 27-28 min. running 2.7 miles (that is with or with out a 1 min. walk).
The Basketball season has started. Karlton and I are coaching Josiah's team 4-6th grade for our Church. Joel will get to play on our team and the 1-3rd grade. Jordan is on the Middle school team. We are already practicing and our first games our the week of Thanksgiving. So the Boys are really excited!
Karlton finished his first week of training at the Nuclear Plant. He has 1 more week to complete before he starts working. PLEASE PRAY that he is excepted. If he is not then he will not get paid for all the time he has in it. WE NEED A PAY CHECK BADLY!!!!!!
Now for the Bad.................
Even though the Nuclear Plant is work and will possibly be an answer to pray it is still hard on us all. We never see Karlton now at all, he work weekends for his company to try to keep it going for now, because he will have to shut it down for the 6 weeks he is working at the Nuclear plant. He (we) is so tired and we both have a lot of extra responsibility. He will be working straight through the holidays, that is if they except him. :0(
Pray for a good week for him and that he has great news this Thursday that they can use him!!!
The piggy flu has made it into the Shrum household. On Tue. Jordan called me from school asking me to come and get him. I did not even recognize my own child on the phone at first, because he was so sick! He was running a fever and had a very bad cough and stayed in his bed until Fri. when I finally took him to the Dr. I knew he had the flu but I thought it was were he had gotten his shot the week before. After he had gotten his shot his lymphoid had swollen up under his arm and his arm hurt him for a few days. They said he only had the Flu ......Jordan is on a Z pack for his reaaly bad cough.
Then Friday I sent Sara Ava to school with a cough. I had given her some med. because her cough sounded like a drainage cough. She came home from school coughing and went to take a nap. When she woke up from her nap she was red and was shaking, I knew she had a fever! When I took her temp. she had a 105.2 fever. I gave her some Tylenol and put her in a luke warm bath, with a Vanilla Frosty ( at her request). We got then fever down 3 degree's with in the first hour. But it went up and down all night long. It spiked back to the 105.2, but then broke. I took her to the Dr. yesterday and they said she has the Swine Flu. We started the Tami Flu yesterday and it is working wonders on top of the Triaminic Flu. So now I know Jordan had the Swine Flu too. Sara Ava's fever was gone this morning PTL... She is up and walking around the house today. No keeping her in the bed for 4 days like Jordan did.
I am just praying that the rest of us stay safe and healthy but you know how large families work. You don't always get what you want!
Now for the GOOD...................
Joel came home with straight A's on his first report card this yr. ( I can't remember if I have written about that or not. ) He was the only child this go around to get straight A's. Lilee and I also went to see him get Terrific Kid for the month of Oct. week before last. Sara Ava was Terrific Kid out of her Class for Sept. and now Joel was it out of his class for Oct. I have 2 Terrific Kids!!!!!!!!!!! Sara Ava also was the Star Student out of her class week before last! Ya Sara Ava!
Lilee is completely potty trained again.....after she had it licked for 3 weeks and then fell of the wagon for about a week. It has been 4 weeks now since any messes! Ya! I love not having to buy pull ups!
Jordan just finished his yr. in Cross Country. He had his name in the paper for beating his own personal records! He started out the season running the 3.1 mile races at 28 min. 56 sec. and finished up in the 24.26 min. Wish I could improve my time on my running. It takes me 27-28 min. running 2.7 miles (that is with or with out a 1 min. walk).
The Basketball season has started. Karlton and I are coaching Josiah's team 4-6th grade for our Church. Joel will get to play on our team and the 1-3rd grade. Jordan is on the Middle school team. We are already practicing and our first games our the week of Thanksgiving. So the Boys are really excited!
Karlton finished his first week of training at the Nuclear Plant. He has 1 more week to complete before he starts working. PLEASE PRAY that he is excepted. If he is not then he will not get paid for all the time he has in it. WE NEED A PAY CHECK BADLY!!!!!!
Now for the Bad.................
Even though the Nuclear Plant is work and will possibly be an answer to pray it is still hard on us all. We never see Karlton now at all, he work weekends for his company to try to keep it going for now, because he will have to shut it down for the 6 weeks he is working at the Nuclear plant. He (we) is so tired and we both have a lot of extra responsibility. He will be working straight through the holidays, that is if they except him. :0(
Pray for a good week for him and that he has great news this Thursday that they can use him!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wednesdays Prayer List
I am back to my Wed. prayer list. Here are some things that you can pray for, for our family and other prayer request that I have gotten. If you have something you would like us to pray about leave me a message here.
~ Please pray for Karlton this week. This is a huge week for him. He has started training for the next 2 weeks to do some contract work at a Nuclear Plant. If he passes all 25 test over the next 2 weeks then he will work 12 hr. days, 6 days a week for the next 6 wks. which will bring him to the New Yr. If for any reason that he does not pass and they let him go then he will have waisted many days and not get paid for it. One strike against him already is that he had to take off 1/2 the day for a meeting with his lawyer. Please pray that he does not get canned over this!
~ Keep praying for his Bankruptcy! Pray that all works out for the good with it and it will help Karlton to get back on his feet!
~ Also keep praying for work! It is helping, in baby stages... but it is working!
~ Pray the land will get to close. We had to postpone the closing on it at the end of Oct. because of the Bankruptcy. I think the new closing is set in another month. Pray all goes well there!
~ Pray for our health.... We all have been sick over the past few weeks and now Jordan is home in bed , running a fever.
~ Keep praying for me..... These are very stressful times for me. I keep wondering how each bill is going to get paid. By the Grace of God they do.... but it keeps looking worse and worse. I am thanking the Lord for helping me with my hats and tutu's if it were not for them we would be in really bad shape! The money from my sales has saved our behinds more then once. So I guess keep praying they keep selling!! :0) I have had to step it up a lot and basically am a single mom right now with Karlton's long hours and he is trying to work the weekends too. So it is a lot of extra on me right now. The only break I get is when go running. And THANK GOODNESS for running!!!!!!!! Or I would be a bigger bear then I am now! ;0)
~ My friend's husband John is having surgery on his leg today. He has an aneurysm in his leg. Pray all goes well with that.
~ Also my friend Jodi has a friend who is pregnant w/ twins and one of them has died. Please pray the other one continues to do well!!!!
~ My friend Kristy's nephew was born 12 weeks early. Please pray the Lord lays his hand on this baby and heals him and helps him to grow to be strong.
~ Also for my friend Becky's pregnancy! Pray that she and the baby have a safe and healthy pregnancy.
I think that is all for now............. Thank you all for you prayers!
~ Please pray for Karlton this week. This is a huge week for him. He has started training for the next 2 weeks to do some contract work at a Nuclear Plant. If he passes all 25 test over the next 2 weeks then he will work 12 hr. days, 6 days a week for the next 6 wks. which will bring him to the New Yr. If for any reason that he does not pass and they let him go then he will have waisted many days and not get paid for it. One strike against him already is that he had to take off 1/2 the day for a meeting with his lawyer. Please pray that he does not get canned over this!
~ Keep praying for his Bankruptcy! Pray that all works out for the good with it and it will help Karlton to get back on his feet!
~ Also keep praying for work! It is helping, in baby stages... but it is working!
~ Pray the land will get to close. We had to postpone the closing on it at the end of Oct. because of the Bankruptcy. I think the new closing is set in another month. Pray all goes well there!
~ Pray for our health.... We all have been sick over the past few weeks and now Jordan is home in bed , running a fever.
~ Keep praying for me..... These are very stressful times for me. I keep wondering how each bill is going to get paid. By the Grace of God they do.... but it keeps looking worse and worse. I am thanking the Lord for helping me with my hats and tutu's if it were not for them we would be in really bad shape! The money from my sales has saved our behinds more then once. So I guess keep praying they keep selling!! :0) I have had to step it up a lot and basically am a single mom right now with Karlton's long hours and he is trying to work the weekends too. So it is a lot of extra on me right now. The only break I get is when go running. And THANK GOODNESS for running!!!!!!!! Or I would be a bigger bear then I am now! ;0)
~ My friend's husband John is having surgery on his leg today. He has an aneurysm in his leg. Pray all goes well with that.
~ Also my friend Jodi has a friend who is pregnant w/ twins and one of them has died. Please pray the other one continues to do well!!!!
~ My friend Kristy's nephew was born 12 weeks early. Please pray the Lord lays his hand on this baby and heals him and helps him to grow to be strong.
~ Also for my friend Becky's pregnancy! Pray that she and the baby have a safe and healthy pregnancy.
I think that is all for now............. Thank you all for you prayers!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween Pictures
Here are a few pictures of the little ones from the past 2 weeks dressed up in their Halloween Costumes. Last weekend we went to a Boo bash were the kids got to kids to pick out a pumpkin....
My 2 Fairy Pricessa's just had their nails done , that is why they are holding their hands weird.

The girls getting their nails done.................

They even got to get their faces painted.

They had a costume parade and the local restaurants brought their food to sample. Yummy!!!

Joel and Sponge Bob. We had a really fun time!

Lilee made a pumpkin piggy...........
Sara Ava made a pumpkin kitty..........

and Joel made a pumpkin puppy.

The girls getting their nails done.................

They even got to get their faces painted.

They had a costume parade and the local restaurants brought their food to sample. Yummy!!!

Joel and Sponge Bob. We had a really fun time!
Here are a few pictures of the little ones decorating their pumpkins from this past weekend.

Lilee made a pumpkin piggy...........

and Joel made a pumpkin puppy.
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