Saturday, May 29, 2010
And We're Off.......

Sunday, May 23, 2010
Happy 14th Birthday Jordan!
Here 14 pictures of Jordan over the past year.... in honor of his 14th B/D. Enjoy!

Friday, May 21, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Sara Ava's Kindergarten Graduation

Sara Ava was all dolled up and ready to go. Mommy even painted her fingernails and toenails for the occasion.

The Gym before all the little Kindergartens came in....

The Kindergartners singing a song.... Can you find Sara Ava?
Monday, May 17, 2010
My Big Girl.....

Miss Sara Ava Lynn Shrum will be Graduating Kindergarten tonight at 6:30 pm. They always have a major to-do ceremony. She will be introducing her principle.... she has been working on her speech all week! She knows it by heart but I will be sending her paper with her just in case she freezes. You know how that can happen when you get in front of hundreds of people.
I am dolling her all up. She has a new dress.... I am painting her finger and toenails. I am just sad she is ready for the 1st grade all ready!!!! Time is flying by!!! I guess because I am having so much fun with my sweet little girl!
I tried to make her an announcement, but it would not go any bigger then this. I was able to print it off bigger.... but the colors did not turn out.
Sara Ava we are so proud of you for doing so well in Kindergarten this year, and for being star student and terrific kid! Keep up the good work and please stop growing up so fast! ;0) Mommy, Daddy, Lilee, and your brothers love you very much!!!
Friday, May 14, 2010
FFF's "Meet The Newest Shrum"
Did I fool you all???? Lol! Isn't she just the sweetest!!!

She is still pretty tiny.... you can see she fits in Jordan's hands.

This is why that poor mama cat was having a fit. She was protecting her baby! Now..... the mama is friendly with us. She Loves Joel!!! Joel feeds her and waters her.... She even lets him pick her up. I tried once and she let me for a few seconds. The mama is beautiful. I need to take pictures of her too! We will be getting rid of her in a few more weeks when I know the baby is old enough to take care of herself. This is the first kitties at our house because Jordan was extremely allergic to them when he was little! He ended up in the hospital twice over some of the families indoor cats. He is doing fine with them... I think because they are out doors. Where they will stay! I've never been much of a cat person myself..... but I love all babies! How could I resist! The mama is apparently a stray. She has no collar and is thin as a rail. But we are feeding her and taking care of her too. She was eating our dogs food.... but now she has her own cat food that she is might happy about! We will fatten her up in no time!

So this is Peanut Butter...... The boys named her. They named the mama Reese. I guess Candy was on their brain that day!?!?

She sticks out her tongue a lot.... Isn't it precious!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
I Heart Strawberry Season!

I also have been making lots of smoothies lately.... This one pictured is a Strawberry-Banana (it was the most scrumptious of them all! I also made plain Strawberry and Strawberry-Blueberry.