This is an e-mail that I woke up to this morning. (Below Pictures)
Please pray for Roxana and her family. Make sure you stop by the Mayan Families website that is posted below to read more about the flooding and to view all the pictures of the slide shows. I will be donating 100% of the sales to the Fairy Princess Costume I have posted on Cutie Patutuz and I will also be giving 20% of my hat sales for this month. We will be sending in money now for food. But, I would like to raise enough to get them what they need the food, blankets, shoes, and clothing. If you would like to help let me know
Please pray for Roxana and her family. Make sure you stop by the Mayan Families website that is posted below to read more about the flooding and to view all the pictures of the slide shows. I will be donating 100% of the sales to the Fairy Princess Costume I have posted on Cutie Patutuz and I will also be giving 20% of my hat sales for this month. We will be sending in money now for food. But, I would like to raise enough to get them what they need the food, blankets, shoes, and clothing. If you would like to help let me know
Roxana's father is missing a foot and is crippled. Roxana sends us pictures she draws and writes us letters telling us about her father all the time. There are 9 children of which 4 of them are still at home.
Dear Karlton and Mary Ann,
I am writing with an update of your sponsored student, Roxana
The recent flooding and mudslides have caused a lot of hardship.
They live in a valley below San Jorge and all the mud and rivers ran into the area where they were living.
They had to evacuate for several days.
The family is very poor even at the best of times. The father cannot work and the mother makes beaded jewelry that she sells for $3 US per week.
There are very few tourists now and there are no sales for the mother.
The mother is very worried about not having enough to eat for the children.
I am sorry that this is not a happier update.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me,
Warmest regards,
Sharon Smart-Poage
Panajachel, Guatemala C.A.
Tel: 011-502-7-762-2490
Mobile: 011-502-4-511-0456
Skype: sharoninpana
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