Thursday, August 14, 2008

Say a little prayer for Sara Ava

Last week I noticed that Sara Ava had a bubble on her gum over her top right tooth. It is pretty freaky looking. I tried to get her into the dentist Friday and they were closed. I took her to the Dr. on Saturday becauseI was afraid it was absessed from where she had her teeth worked on a year ago. The Dr. said not to worry about it it should take care of itself and to keep( doing what I was doing) putting watered down peroxide on it to keep it clean. She had a 99.9 degree fever that he said did not pertain to the bump on her gum. But my mommy instint said other wise. I asked for an antibiotic for infection because there was a little puss and blood that had come out of it. He said she did not need one. I stuck with my mommy instinct and took her to the dentist on Tuesday they said it is absessed and it needs to come out! (Waaaaa!) And sent us strait to a pediatric dentist an hour away because she is to tiny to give her any medicine. I also asked the dentist doesn't she need an antibiotic and she said no. So we go to Dr. #3. He says yes it is pretty bad and needs to come out but because of the infection she has to have an antibiotic first. GRRR!! Sara Ava has to have her top front tooth pulled on Tuesday. She is only 4 1/2 and has about 3 yrs until the permanent tooth comes in. I asked if they can put a false tooth in and they said they would not. GRRR! But for my fear of it closing up the gap and so my child does not have to walk around toothless for 3 yrs. we will shall see who wins this battle!!!! The moral of this story is to always trust your mommy's instinct. That is why God gave it to us!

You can see the pea sized absess in this picture.

Just a couple of cute pictures I took of her before both her dentist apt's.

Please pray that all goes smoothly and that it does not hurt or scare her because she loves going to the dentist. Also pray this infection goes away.


Live to love and laugh said...

Little sweet Sara, I am praying for you.
Sam lost his front tooth in a bicycle accident when he was 3.5 and it took FOREVER to grow back in but things turned out fine.
The pictures now make me laugh. It gives them such a cute look.

Susie said... girl. Sorry to hear about this MaryAnn, but she will be just as beautiful even if her front tooth is missing for a few years.

Dano and Melinda said...

I'm so glad you took her to the dentist! Derek had his front tooth pulled when he was 3, I think, because he had fallen on it & "killed" it. He had a "bubble" which was smaller. We did antibiotics twice (argh I hate antibiotics), root removal, in the end they pulled the tooth (I wanted the tooth pulled first). The bubble remained! In the end, they said it was it was probably scar tissue! LOL! But I preferred the gap to the gray tooth! He still has a tiny bubble & a gap! He's five! I forget about it now! Maybe his thumb sucking is doing less damage since there isn't a tooth there! Ha!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the tooth. Just wanted to say my son had to have one pulled at 16 months (thanks to bottle-propping in Guat). He was only home on week and his entire left side of his face swoll. We did a/b and pulled it no problem. We didn't do the false tooth b/c honestly, the space will stay. It looked funny for a while but now he thinks it's cool. Really, it could have been something much worse. Hope you all are dealing with ok now.