I am going to start off with a Praise I would like to share with you all.
Right after we got married we were told if we wanted children we had better do it while I was young (right away), because of a car accident I was in when I was a teenager.I had 3 very difficult pregnancies all ending with lots of bed rest and all 3 boys born 5 weeks early. I was even warned not to get pregnant after #2, but we wanted one last try for a girl.The entire time I was pregnant I always heard your uterus is tilted or leaning forward. After Joel was born my uterus was still attached to the placenta and came out. (Try not to imagine that,
ewww!) Anyway after Joel was born the Dr. spent 30 min. trying to get it back into place (again try not to imagine this, sorry). I was told they would schedule my
hysterectomy at my 6 wk. check up. I asked why they did not take it then while it was out and they said because it was not life threatening and they would have had to given me blood. So needless to say for the next 6 weeks I prayed non stop that I would not have to have that surgery since I had already been on best rest for more then 1/2 of my pregnancy. When I went in for that 6 week apt. they told me it was tilting but it was fine for now, but eventually it would have to come out. I heard the same then for the next 7 years after Joel was born. Well I went 2 weeks ago for another yearly check up and I heard, "everything looks good and your are fit as a fiddle." I was shocked!!! I know my mouth had to have dropped open! I asked " what about my tilting uterus ?" He said "it is in place ,tight, and doing what it needed to be doing. "This is the first time I have heard this in over 13 yrs! I told the Dr. that I have recently started lifting weights in the last few months so maybe
that's it, but I know all the Praise goes to the Lord! Thank you God for that miracle!!!
Now onto the prayer request....
First of all I am asking all of you ( my prayer warriors) to start praying for
Karlton's business (
electrical). With the economy the way it is right now it is looking very
scary for us/ him! There is not much building going on right now and people are not paying the money to have their electrical problems fixed. He has already let 4 of his guys go a few months ago because he did not have enough work for them, so now it is just him and his helper. Please PRAY the Lord will keep sending
Karlton work to provide for our family and his helper's. Also pray that enough work comes in to keep all his bills paid for his company. The phone does not stop ringing now , people wanting their money. We are behind in our pay checks too! This was the first month that we were really late paying our mortgage. But praise God it got paid. The scariest part is
Karlton has to drop our health insurance because we can not afford to pay it anymore. Just mine and his, the kids all have insurance , so praise God for that!Please pray that the Lord will send him the money needed so that we do not have to cancel it! As the weeks roll by it is looking even more grim! So please pray for work!!!That he will not have to go bankrupt like all the other companies that he works for. The LORD always provides and I should not worry, but I also think the Lord wants us to pray and not take everything for granted.
If you live in the Charlotte area NC/SC and need any electrical work done please let us know!
I guess that is why the Lord laid it on my heart back in Oct. to start praying to pay our Adoption Credit Card off. He knew what lay ahead of us.Even though it went from $4,000 to owing $1,756 on it now. That is a praise in its self ,we still need your prayers that we will get that paid off soon so that we do not have that monthly payment anymore! This is the last time I am going to ask for your prayers on us getting this adoption expense paid off! Please don't forget praying for it, I just do not want to keep harping on it and making you all sick of hearing about it! I know I am!Just keep watching the
thermometer on the side to see how the Lord is providing to pay that off! I am trusting him fully that He will help us get that paid off soon! I can't wait to give a praise report on how that is paid off one day! Trust me you will be hearing about that!!!
Lastly..... Please pray for healthy people at the
Shrum house!! we have had 4 kids with the croup and praise God 3 of them are all better. Jordan is starting to get a little better too. Now
Lilee has come down with a cold, not the croup yet! So please pray she does not get it and that
Karlton and I stay well so we can work and take care of the kiddies!
I know this is long and drawn out ....... Thank you all
sooo much for taking the time to read this!