We ran into a little problem because the doll was on back order and I wanted to give this doll to her on her B/D and then at the latest at her Party. Well this doll is still on back order . This weekend I called my mom to see if she could go to her Toys R US to see if they had any left, because ours did not and then Internet was on back order. She had luck because they had 3 left. (Thanks mom for helping me out!) This is a Madame Alexander Mia Bella Doll. It says it is the African American Doll , but to me it looks like Sara Ava. The Mayan Doll Clothing is made for an American Girl Doll but fits this doll fine too! The American Girl Dolls are about $105.00 to where this doll is $30.00. She loves the doll, but this will not be a play toy. I put it up on her shelf as a keep sake.

WOW!!! The doll does look like Sara Ava. Both are absolutely beautiful.
Great picture of your daughter and her new doll! I think the doll is even cuter than Amercian Girl dolls and much less money, like you said!!
What a cute doll! Now I just have to go look for those outfits. I remember seeing several dolls dressed similarly while in Guatemala, but I never could find one from either of my girls' regions. Maybe I just didn't really know what I should have been looking for. But I'm glad you finally found the perfect one for Sara Ava!
Hello, I am Eileen and my daughter Olivia was also born in Guatemala. She is doing a heritage doll project in her kindergarten class which led me to your site. I was wondering where you got the traditional clothing and would love to know more. You have a very beautiful family!
Actually, American Girl dolls are $95.00. It does look like her though.
Actually AG's are $95. But it does look like her.
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