Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Willy needs your prayers!!!!!!!

The lawyer I hired to do Willy's Guardianship is starting on it tomorrow (Thursday). He says he can do this in about 2 weeks.
Which is a huge praise!!!!!!!!! But.... I have to come up with $500 by Monday to wire to him!
It will cost me $30 to wire the money both times. So now I will only be able to give a little bit!
I have had a few people to say they will give a donation, but I do not know how much. "PLEASE Dear Lord Please send help fast for Willy!!!!!! You ask us to take care of the orphans giving them Food, and clothing and to protect them fromt he bad of the world and that is what I am trying to do." James 1:27, Duet. 10:18

It would truly be awesome to help help there be one less orphan in the world. Especially in Guatemala right now! Where my heart is.

If your heart is in Guatemala and you have wanted to help out the children left behind that can not be adopted then here is your chance. I am trying to help Willy's foster family get permanent
guardianship of him until he is 18.

You can read more on my ministry blog

If you are interested in Helping save Willy please leave a comment here or e-mail me at

May God Bless you all!!


Susie said...

MaryAnn, where are you on this? I believe this is an awesome mission! I want to support you in this and see how many more children we can do this for? Is that really all that's financially needed to get a child in permanent foster care with a family? We can do this girl....we need to do this. Until adoptions are re-opened, we need to get this done. My email is Let me know or post on my blog. Also, how is your Mom doing? Susie

Anonymous said...

Mary Ann you have the heart of a saint. Off to check out Willy on your other blog.