" Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."
(These are my running shoes I bought back in August. I sure wish they still looked this good! )
As you have guessed by now, I am in (hard) training this week..... I have been running since the last of May last year, not even a year yet...... This Sat. I will be running my first race (5k). I never have dreamed I would be hear already! I thought it would have taking me another yr. before I was ready. Since this is my first race my goals are .....to finish the race and not come in dead last. Other then that I don't really care ;0).
I think Karlton is more excited about this then I am! He is giving me lots of advice on what fighters do before a big fight ;0). I am trying to pursued Jordan to run, I know he would do good, since he runs Cross Country. Josiah is wanting to run with me, he is on a trail right now since he does not run. I am making him practice with me all the week. He usually rides his bike while I run, but yesterday he ran the last 1.5 miles of my 4.1 miles with me and did good! He came home and collapsed on the floor breathing hard for about 15 min. though ......Lol..... He is the one usually making fun of me saying I am slow and that running is easy!
I have been running 4 miles a day this week but I am only going to focus on the 5k (3.2 miles the rest of the week.) I have been changing my course everyday to make it harder and adding lots of hills in there. I am trying to shave some time off my minutes......The best I have done this week is an 8 min. mile. But that was the first mile...... My total was 37 min for 4 miles which is pretty good ( for me) since I took 1 quick walk break. Usually I run about a 9 - 10 min. mile when I am not trying to prove anything other then to finish my run.......
Well, I hope I have not bored you all to death!!!! Say a little prayer for me for Sat.... and wish me LUCK! I am going to need it!
We will be praying for you and rooting you on. The whole family is so excited for you. Even Nanny &
Pawpaw. Let us know how it goes.
Woo Hoo! Go Mary Ann!
Love Ya Lots and Lots,
Mom for everybody xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
good luck!!! and have fun too!
You go girl! That is so awesome!! I would love to run a race with my boys sometime...how neat!
That's AWESOME!!! Good luck on Saturday. It sounds like you are ready! Enjoy your run!!!
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