Monday, May 2, 2011

Have I Been Leaving You......

Hanging?????? I just took the best trip of my life and I have not really begun to tell you about it! I am really sorry! I have been trying to post some fast pictures to tie you over with.....Is it working??? No, I am not stalling....It has been a rough week for me, I had jet lag Really bad for almost a week and then as soon as I got back to the US my allergies went all crazy and I was sick for a week. I'm still not the greatest but I do see improvement! Then on Wed. Jordan called me from School sick saying he was about to throw up, he was home Thursday too. He had a virus with everything but the throwing up, just stomach pains..... He went back to school Friday. Joel left for a big 4th grade Field Trip to Myrtle Beach..... Saturday was good... I took the 2 big boy shopping. Sunday, we Finally got to wear our Easter Outfits (a week late), went to church, then out for a bite to eat... then came home for family pictures..... when All H*#! breaks loose. Sara Ava started throwing up with no warning what so ever all over my bed room floor (luckily it was the tiled area!). Then from there it has been non stop.... never ending.... sitting on the potty and throwing up ordeal for almost 24 hours. Lots of mess....showers and laundry!!! Could it end there nooooo....The school nurse called this morning saying Josiah was sick to please come and get him. ugh!!! Luckily.... Karlton was nearby and he went to get him for me. I can not take Sara out of the house right now! Please say a prayer for my 2 sick ones and that Lilee and Joel does not get this. It is a lot harder on the little ones. Josiah is in bed now with stomach pains and fever, but no throwing up yet.....

 Any way here is what yesterday looked liked before all the bad started happening.....


Jason Thomas said...

great pictures of the family, very blessed!

Mary Ann said...

Thanks Jason!

Mom said...

Your family pictures are beautiful.
The kids are really growing up.
Love ya'll very much,
Mom (Nana)