Everything you see in this picture cost $69.50 before my coupons. I used 3 coupons, not 2 like I said previous post. 1st Q- was for a free pantie, the 2nd Q- was for $10 off any Pink purchase, and the 3rd Q- was for a free pantie with any pink purchase + $10 off a pink purchase. So here is what I paid for each item ( or did not pay ;0).
~ both pr. of panties were free :0)
~ both Pink dogs were free w/ any Pink purchase ( store promotion, no Q needed )
~ 2 bottles of Pink body splash ($12 for both)... I used my $10 on any Pink purchase Q = Paid $1 ea.
~ The bra was $19.50 ...I used my $10 off Q on any bra = Paid $9.50
My total was = $11.50 (before tax)....I saved $58!
That is a 83.5 % savings... Whoo Hoo!!!!
I still have one more Coupon for VS and hope to use it tomorrow and can't wait to see what I can get!
Wonder how I get all the Coupons? Made sure to give them you address and e-mail when ever you purchase an anything and the Q's will start rolling in! ;0)
Have you scored any deals lately??? Please leave me a comment and let me know!
1 comment:
wow! thats awesome!!!
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